Title: Things (that I have found, hoped, and maybe forgotten...) [July, 2017]

Medium: Found Object Installation

Time Taken: 1 week

Dimentions: 4' x 8'

Location: Gateway Learning Center, Hpaan, Myanmar.


Hello Stranger,




What are the things that you: 


   a. Happy (Yellow) 

b. Sad (Blue) 

c. Angry (Red) 



d. "You" (White)

Use the different colored yarn to represent things that make you happy, sad, angry and "you."

Have Fun!



*** Just be as Gentle as you can!***








Thet Thet Nway Htwe


Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 10.08.14 PM.png

"Sometimes, we forget pieces of ourselves. Small, but important: a favorite brand of coffee, a toothbrush, a snail, a story. We only tend to remember when it is too late. But the best time to start is when we realize that we might be too late. We pick ourselves up and start reclaiming little things at the back of our heads: things that we have found, hoped and maybe forgotten."

-Thet Thet Nway Htwe

7.2017; Hpaan