Diana Nway Htwe’s Story of Art (08.31.2018)

Diana Nway Htwe’s Story of Art (08.31.2018)

Norms and Principles of Art History: Gombrich, Wolfflin and I

Fall 2018


“Neither normative criticisms nor morphological description alone will ever give us a theory of style. I do not know if such a theory is necessary; but if we want one we might do worse than approach artistic solutions in terms of those specifications which are taken for granted within a given period, and to list systematically, and even, if need be, pedantically, the priorities in the reconciliation of conflicting demands. Such a procedure will give us a new respect for the classical but will also open out minds to an appreciation of non-classical solutions representing entirely fresh discoveries.”

--E.H. Gombrich, Norm and Form.

As evident in his final passage of his landmark essay, Norm and Form(1966), Ernst Gombrich (1909-2001) was very unhappy with Heinrich Wolfflin’s (1864-1945) book, Principles of Art History(1915). Gombrich went as far as accusing Wolfflin of single-handedly sabotaging all advancement in art history. According to Gombrich, Wolfflin had launched the discipline of art history in a regressive direction: to the opinionated perceptions of Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), proud Florentine painter, architect, writer and historian. Now, before we pick a side, it is important to understand the nature of the art-historical text in question, Wolfflin’s Principles of Art Historyand why Gombrich thinks this text was an abomination. (A lot of major-league names here, I understand. I will give them the floor for the moment but I would like to alert the reader to a cameo appearance from a more global, up and coming art historian of the 21st century.)

Be it Gombrich or Wolfflin and their controversy on the definition of the classical ideal, all the stylistic terms of the western master narrative would be completely wasted on a student with no background in western art history. That student would be me during my freshman year. I was born and raised in Burma (Myanmar), a country tucked away from the international community for about forty years thanks to our socialist government.

For full-length dissertation and citations, please contact me through email: thtwe@artic.edu, thet2nh@gmail.com