Thet Thet (Diana) Nway Htwe


Art Historian | Writer | Critic | Artist

School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Art History, Theory and Criticism (BAAH 2020)


Experience and Programs

Artists Need Art Historians (SAIC’s first Undergrad-led interdisciplinary academic journal) | Co-founder | 2019-2020

Art Institute of Chicago | Asian Art Research Intern | 2019-2020

National Museum Yangon, Myanmar | Conservation Intern | Summer 2019

Art Institute of Chicago | Mellon Summer Academy 2018

Burma Youth Leadership Program (USA) 2016


/Shi Exhibition | Goethe-Institut, Yangon, Myanmar | 12 November 2022 - 12 January 2023

If I say It’s True Seven Times by Moe Satt | Myanm/art gallery, Yangon, Myanmar | July-August 2020


Art, Politics, Propaganda, Myanmar: 2021 | Abstraction of Breathing: The Documentation Project of Myanmar Contemporary Art (Vol:3)| 2021 

A Quick Guide to Viewing Contemporary Art: An Introduction to Abstraction of Breathing | Abstraction of Breathing: The Documentation Project of Myanmar Contemporary Art (Vol:3)| 2021 

Two Burmese Crowned Buddhas at the Art Institute of Chicago: Genealogies of Kingship and Buddhahood in the Making of Burmese Buddhist Nationalism | Bachelor of Art History Final Thesis, School of the Art Institute of Chicago | 2020 

The 3-in-1 Buddha: A Conversational Essay on the Tripartite Union of the Buddha, the King, and the Bodhisattva | Artists Need Art Historians: Pilot Edition 2020

Crowned and Bejeweled Buddha Seated on an Elephant Throne | Audio Stop (2:13”) | Art Institute of Chicago

The Golden Boy | Fwd: Museums “Death to Museums” 2019 

Please get in touch for a formal CV.